Reaching Out To Unexpected Voices

Richard Hull, Director, Talk The Talk


Everyone can have a voice and on World Speech Day in March this year the theme is Reaching Out To Unexpected Voices. This got us thinking about the number of times during Talk The Talk workshops we have seen students surprise their teachers and peers by standing up and speaking with a passion and conviction that was often totally unexpected and unseen prior to our workshops.
We recently had the pleasure of working with Claire Rixham (Assistant Principal at Beamont Collegiate Academy in Warrington) and she regaled us with a story of one such student who was very much an unexpected voice. In her words:
My overriding memory of the workshop is related to a particular individual who had missed around 18 months of school as he was receiving intensive treatment linked to an on-going condition. We were unsure how they would cope with the transition to high school.
The student was timid and reserved at the start of the session but by the end of the session he had developed a real sense of confidence and was able to stand in front of his newly acquired peers and share his personal experiences.
I am sure that this secured new friendships as fellow students acquired a newfound respect for them that day. This trajectory of success has continued since September, their attendance and punctuality record is exemplary as is their attitude to learning. The latest data point showed that this amazing individual is achieving or exceeding expected standards in all subject areas and is willing to stand and speak in front of others.
Based on the success of these sessions we plan to roll out the Talk the Talk strategy across the academy. The sessions are engaging and inspirational and it is always wonderful to see quiet, insecure students develop in confidence as the session unfolds.
The greatest outcome for Talk The Talk is to know the impact our workshops have had on students confidence and self belief. If you would like further information about how Talk The Talk can help your students to become confident communicators please contact us here.

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