Bridging the Gap For Disadvantaged Students
Talk The Talk
The pandemic has wrought havoc on many young people’s wellbeing and the disproportionately high impact of COVID-19 on the education of disadvantaged pupils is more apparent than ever.*
We know from our trainers that many students in their workshops are struggling post covid.
Whether it be a change in circumstance at home due to a parent losing their job. Grappling with their confidence having spent the last year in their rooms (with little dialogue between parents and friends) or for those that practice English as an additional language, the ability to hold a fluent conversation.
This is why Pupil Premium funding is invaluable to help improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in your schools.

We implore you to consider oracy as part of your intervention strategy and a positive use of your Pupil Premium funding.
Whether you are looking to raise attainment in reading, writing, communication or enhancing learning through the effective use of spoken language, our Oracy workshops help bridge the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students through cross curriculum learning and confidence building, meeting pupils’ academic, emotional and social needs.
There is compelling evidence of the educational benefits on how a greater focus on oral language improves outcomes for the most disadvantaged students. The ability to communicate effectively is an essential ingredient to both success in school and beyond to;
Improve academic outcomes
EEF (The Education Endowment Foundation) trials of oral language interventions in schools have demonstrated pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds make approximately 6 months additional progress over the year.
Underpin literacy and vocabulary acquisition
Oral language and literacy are described as ‘inseparable friends’ supporting each other during school and years beyond.
Support wellbeing and confidence
Post Covid particularly, oracy plays a critical role supporting young people’s wellbeing by providing students with the skills and opportunities to express their feeding, thoughts and emotions.

We all need to talk, to be able to make sense of what is going on. We need to give young people the tools to articulate and express their fears and anxieties at this unprecedented time.
Oracy supports young people to develop their confidence and sense of identity.
Our workshop Talk About Communication is a full day workshop aimed at secondary school students.
Within this workshop each student will speak in front of their peers, study and apply the different modes of human communication, deliver impromptu talks on a variety of topics, with a transferable structure through.
The will identify their individual passions and opinions to structure and deliver a presentation without notes to their peers.
For more information on how we can work together please click here.
Together we can help bridge the gap.
COVID-19 and the disadvantage gap Available: [2020, September 1]
Using pupil premium: guidance for school leaders Available: [2021, November 1]
Speak for Change Inquiry Available: [2021, April]
Categories: News