Talk About The Future

In London and Essex
In partnership with the Jack Petchey Foundation
Years 11-13 - Full Day Workshop

Prepare your students for the next stage of education, employment or training with confidence and a positive mindset

enquire for funding details


Are your students ready to move on?

Leaving school to enter the world of work, further training or education is both an exciting and daunting time. The prospect of independence is often overwhelming.

Talk About The Future supports students preparing to leave school or college by developing the competencies needed to take this next step with confidence and a positive mindset.

This workshop can support the Gatsby Benchmarks by helping you to address the needs of each pupil (3) and linking curriculum learning to careers (4). Talk About The Future also supports you with Mock Interviews (5) and can form part of a stable careers programme (1).

Post-16 – supports the development of students’ character, broader skills and confidence as part of your 16-19 study programme

This workshop meets the requirements for Impact Level 4 by The Skills Builder Partnership.

Workshop Aims
  • Identifying employability skills
  • Developing interview techniques
  • Nurturing presentation skills
  • Improving connections with potential employers
  • Boosting self-esteem

What does this workshop involve?

This workshop is aimed at students who are either in their final year of secondary school or in Sixth Form – with a focus on improving their connections with employers, colleges and universities.

At the end of this workshop students will be able to keep their workbook which will assist them in creating their first CV, completing their UCAS application and preparing for upcoming interviews.

During the workshop students will:

  • Talk about their life experiences and translate these into a defined set of unique skills
  • Talk about their plans for moving on – and how confident they feel about this
  • Learn about preparing for an interview and appropriate communication during an interview
  • Prepare a set of open questions and undergo mock interviews, both as interviewer and interviewee
  • Explore the impact and necessity of personal anecdotes within the interview situation
  • Prepare for and undergo a mock interview with their trainer and peers


Parmiter’s School, Watford

‘‘Lively, engaging, useful. All trainers interacted extremely well with the students and staff. Challenging and informative throughout.’’

‘’Excellent communication with the students. Very personable and engaging. Helped put the most anxious at ease. I highly recommend the course.”

Rickmansworth School, Hertfordshire

‘’A brilliant and well thought out workshop was delivered today. Talk About The Future helped students recognise and communicate their experiences at this important time of transition. The trainer was fantastic with the students and the workbooks will be a valuable reference in the future.’’

Mossbourne Community School, Hackney

 ‘’Excellent communication with students – relatable and friendly. A great balance between discussion and feedback with lots of enthusiasm and participation. Students now beginning to consider their future prospects with clear facts.’’

Prendergast Ladywell School, Lewisham

‘‘Students are highly engaged and are learning a lot of good skills. Pace is good and the sessions progress well. The trainer is obviously vastly experienced with training school children. Excellent.’’

The Misbourne School, Buckinghamshire

‘’We have explored oracy training before thanks to informal volunteers. However, it is clear that the well-led expert training offered in Talk About The Future was well worth it, with a clearly well-devised and well refined format.’’

Mossbourne Community School, Hackney

‘’Excellent easy style and use of storytelling. Teased out performances from even the most reluctant students. Built confidence and awareness of the importance of external activities.’’

Dr Challoner’s High School, Amersham

‘‘Really good session. Lots of opportunities for everyone to participate and to receive individual feedback. Amazing progression of individual students throughout the day. Lovely supportive atmosphere cultured.’’


Watford UTC, Hertfordshire

‘’A really good engaging and interactive session which was thoroughly enjoyed by the students and of real benefit to them.’’

How much does it cost?

Talk The Talk has partnered with the Jack Petchey Foundation to support the cost of workshop delivery. For details of this funding and the net cost to your school please let us know how many students you have in your chosen year group. You can use the form below to do this.

After the workshop:

  • Receive personal Impact Report reporting progress across 3 measures and based on student self-assessment during the workshop.
  • Access our free online follow-up support and classroom resources – to help you embed the skills and confidence in the weeks after the workshops. View resources here

If you think you can, you can!